九年级英语上册 UNIT1Topic2SectionA导学案

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九年级英语上册 UNIT1Topic2SectionA导学案

课 件 w w w.5y K J.Co m

九年级英语上册 UNIT1Topic2SectionA导学案

Unit 1 The Changing World
Topic 2 China has the largest population .
Section A 第 1 课 时
备课人:审稿:倪桂英 姓名: 班级:
2.会用现在完成时态,掌握just already yet ever never的用法 3. so 与neither引导的完全倒装句。
重难点:会使用just 、already、 yet、 ever、 never,so 与neither引导的完全倒装句。 课前预习: Step 1. 导入。
Step 2. 自学检测:自学第9页的内容,并写出下列英语。 1.不再____________________.2.迷路,走散_______________ 3.倒霉_______________4.给他打个电话______________________ 5.这么个地方____________________________ Step3.精讲点评(在文中划出下面的句子并翻译) 1. I have just called you, but you weren’t in.
点拨:call --- 给…打电话 链接:给…打电话还可以说: ____________ /____________/.call sb up _________名词作宾语时可以放在up ________或 _______(前/后)宾语是代词时,必须放在 _________ in --- 在家 = _________ 链接:不在家--- _________
练习:昨天他给我打电话时我不在家。_______ he ________ me yesterday, I _______ ________.
2. I’ve never been there before, but I don’t want to go there any more.
点拨:before --- 以前 (表示时间),在句中是副词(不是连词或介词),模糊时间状语,表示到说话时间为
点拨:not...any more = no more --- 不再… (强调程度) 链接:not ...any longer = no longer --- 不再… (强
练习:a. He is no more angry with me.
= _______________________________________________
b. Hurry up, or we won't wait for you any longer.
3.---I really hate to go to such a place. ---So do I.
点拨:So do I. --- 完全倒装句,含义是:A如此,B也如此 结构是:so + be / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语
拓展:上述结构的否定形式为:Neither / Nor + be / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语 --- A不是这样,B也不是这样
Step 4.典题训练:
( 一 )a. He likes playing the piano, __________________. (她也是)
b. They are interested in Chinese culture, ________________. (我们也是) c. Tom can work out the difficult problem, ________________. (我也能) d. He has been to Beijing before, __________________. (他弟弟也去过)
e. I am not good at singing, ________________________. (他也是) f. I have never been there, _________________________. (他也是) ( 二)选用所给单词或词组填空
1. Tom has _____ finished his homework. Now he is playing football on the playground. 2. Have you _____ been to the Great Wall? 3. She hasn’t come back ____.
4. I have ____ heard of that before. It is so strange.
5. He has ____ eaten chocolate, has he?
6. Has he kept the book ____?
7. –Have you seen the film?
---Yes. I have ____ seen it.
8. ____ you ever ____ Hainan?
9. How long _____ you ____ this city?
10. Mr. Wang isn’t here. He ____ Shanghai.
Step5. 归纳小结:
Step 6. Homework. Make five sentences. Use the present perfect tense with the words “just”, “already”, “yet”,

课 件 w w w.5y K J.Co m

