
作者:佚名 教案来源:网络 点击数:    有奖投稿


章 来源bet365地址 ww w.
5 Y k j.CoM


I.                   单词
1.     publish v. 出版  publishing n.出版事业  publisher n. 出版商
    publishing house 出版社
2.     elect: choose by voting精选  election n.  .   
elect sb to do sth
l       We elected him monitor of our class.
l       He was elected monitor of our class.
3.  chief: most important   chief editor/engineer/cook
chief executive officer
  main: 主要部分   main task/course/street
4. edit v. 编辑  editor n. 编辑  edition n. 版本  版次
l       He is captain of the team.
l       As chairman of the committee, I declare the meeting open.
5. suggest v.   suggestion  n.
1) suggest + 名词“建议,提出”
He suggested a different way to solve the problem.
2) suggest + doing
They suggested waiting at the bus station.
3) suggest that + (should) do
She suggested that the class meeting (should) not be held on Saturday.
She suggested that we (should) meet at the school gate.
6. experience v. n. things or events that happen to us
/c/ 经历  Please tell us your experiences in Africa.
/u/ 经验   He is a teacher with over ten years of teaching experience.
experienced adj.  an experienced man
7. take charge of: have the duty of, be in charge of, be responsible for
8. talk…over: discuss…carefully
9. read v.  reading adj.    reading habbit.  reader n.
10. consider: think about carefully  consideration n.  considerate adj.
11. briefly adv: shortly or quickly  brief adj.
12. a bit: a little      far. much, a little, even
He is not a little tired. (much)   He is not a bit tired. (not at all)
13。decide v. make up one’s mind 
decision  n. choose after thinking     make decisions
14. conclude v.    conclusion n.  draw/come to a conclusion
l       The doctor concluded that the patient’s disease was cancer.
l       She concluded her speech with a poem.
15. choose v.    choice n.  
16. agree  v.  disagree v.
1)  agree with sb
2) agree to do  She agrees to help him with his English.
3) 主要用来表示一方提出一项建议、安排、计划等,另一方同意协作agree to the plan/the method/arrangement/idea/suggestion
4) agree on the price 取得达成统一
17. young adj.  youth n.
18. in all: altogether 
19. talent n.  talented
20. delight  v.  delighted (pleased) delightful
21. design  designer
22. complain  complaint   complain about
23 record v. record n. recorder n.
II. 课文
1.   hold a meeting        hold an exhibition
hold a sports meeting     hold on
hold 50 people      hold one’s breath,   
A meeting was held.
2.  课文中的宾语从句分析
1) She said.  The other three will be the editors.
She said that the other three would be the editors.
2) Pansy asked us.  Can you call it Mayfield Sun?
Pansy asked us whether we could call it Mayfield Sun.
3) Pansy asked  Which section will they have?
Pansy asked which section they would have.
3 . 称呼,官衔,职位前不加the
I was secretary of…    We elected her monitor of our class.
As chairman of the club, I declare the meeting open.
4. 过去将来时 would过去某个时间之后发生的事情
Tom said that he would visit a school the next day.
The doctor said Jack would be all right in a few days.
He called to say that he would come home after 10 o’clock.
5. 定语从句 things (we should discuss)
6. free  be free to readers.  I will be free this afternoon.
7. spend cost take pay
l       He spends a lot of money on (in buying) books.
l       The tickets will cost you twenty pounds. 
l       It took him an hour to read the book.
l       You will have to pay me ten dollars a week for your meals.
8. a bit longer = a little longer
He is not a bit tired.  (He not tired at all.)
He not a little tired.  (He is much tired.)
9. arrange  v. arrangement  n.
1) arrange (for) sth  arrange a personal interview
2) arrange to do
They arranged to start early.
3) arrange for sb to do
I’ve arranged for Mary to meet you at the airport.
10. in one week’s time: in one week
III. Grammar
一.ought to具体用法如下:
1. (表示义务、责任等) 应当, 应该
You ought to work harder than that.
2. (表示劝告、建议等) 应该, 该
You don't look well. You ought to go to see the doctor.
3. (表示猜测、期望) 总应该,理应
It ought to be a fine day tomorrow morning.
这时ought to和should可以互换使用.
4、ought to的否定式
Everyone ought not (oughtn't) to cross the street against the red light.
5. ought to的疑问式是将ought提到句首构成.
—Ought we to do it at once? —Yes, you ought to.

章 来源bet365地址 ww w.
5 Y k j.CoM

